Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Asam pedas - nogori style


Finally, for the umphteeth time, I managed to cook something that resembles an asam pedas.

It is still not perfect, but I am getting there. At least it wasnt a total failure.

The ingredients:
15 x cili kering (cut and rendam in hot water for a bit)
1 x Bawang besar
4 x bawang putih
Halia - size of small thumb
Belacan - size of a thumb

Blend all of above with little water

Air asam jawa - squeezed from about 30cm
3 x ikan kembung
Daun  limau purut
Tomato / bendi

1. Heat oil
2. Put in all of the blended stuff and cook until naik minyak
3. Add the air asam jawa, mix well for a bit
4. Add the serai
5. Add water until you get the consistensy you want
6.  Once boiled add salt
7.Add the fish and bendi and daun limau
8. Wait to boil until leave the kuah to thicken a lil bit

OK this is nogori or melaka style i think. Honestly I dont know there are just too many different variation of asam pedas, so this one is close to what I am accustomed to, the way my arwah grandma makes it. I kinda like it this way.

Hubs do not like ot so much, I think he prefers the kind with daun kesum. So Next time I will try it again with daun kesum instead, and I think with more water - lighter consistency.

So here goes - pix for memory