cooking the asam pedas
As you would like have seen in HERE and HERE. One of the dish that I actually really like is Asam Pedas Daging.
Last few years, I thought it was also very difficult to find. Still is. If you go to standard kedai nasi campur, chances are you would not find it on the array of offering.
Thankfully though these days there are more and more of those ' specialised' menu restaurants that has made its foray.
After the failed tries, I try again with a receipe given by my friend, its actually her late dad's asam pedas paste. It was good, it was successful. The only bummer side to that is I dont cook often enough and paste needs to be made in large batch.
So the other day we made a cooking date - me and my cousin. It was successful and using the same recipe, i was able to cook a decent asam pedas on my own too.
So here goes
1 kg meat
bawang kecil (20)
Bawang besar (2)
Serai x 3 (ketuk2)
daun limau purut
cili kering
asam jawa
Black pepper
Blend A:
20 bawang kecil
2 bawang besar
2 inch halia
1 inch galanghal
Blend B:
cili kering x 20 (pedas) - not so hancur
Alternatively can use cili boh?
Panaskan minyak dalam 3 sudu besar (minyak nak banyak)
tumis Blend A (bwang2) with slow fire
Dah caramelised bawang then add cili blend, cook with slow fire
put in asam jawa satu sudu besar (add half first)
black pepper sikit
after dah naik minyak, put in the daging, and then air
then potato
and then daun limau purut