I know, I know. I am sooo ketinggalan zaman.
But it does come with a good perk - where I dont need to wait nor pause :))
I am talking about the twilight saga - yes, I have finally been bitten by the bug. Haha. All four years too late. Imagine that..
It started few months ago when my nextdoor neighbor at work gushed about it, she too was like me, a late bloomer so to call, baru nak sibuk discover the fuss of the saga. I still didnt think much of it then, I wasnt much keen on fantasy kind of books/movies, and my biggest reluctance was due to knowing that the word vampire is in it. She however assured me that it is not one that is scary.
And so my curiousity roused - and I wasnt very objectable on the idea of reading the book anymore- in fact I bought two of the series during the BBW (hardcover for RM5 i must add :D) . They however were stashed in my bookcase - on my KIV book to read list, while I happily read my other books first.
Until I was at cousin's house - I had no book with me, and she had the first book of the series. I thought why not, and guess what - I COULDNT STOP!
This whole week I was like a zombie, reading and reading and reading, one after another, like I was racing for a finishing line - non stop. I read till late at night (actually more appropriately morning) and had only few hours of sleep, before going to work, and come back to continue reading. To the extend of masak pun I still read... Like - Pause reading - Heat pot on the stove - Cont read until minyak dah panas - pause reading - throw the fish in - cont reading till time to turn the fish - etc etc.. you get the gist. haha
Soo engrossed I know. My oh My, How I just wished for the last book (I am down to Breaking Dawn already), is done and over with already. Penat!! But definitely satisfying.
OK, now, before you ask whats the whole point of this post, I shall (chewah dah jadi Edward pulak ever so courteous) start with my reviews.
I supposed no need to say -You surely already know the book is mindbooglingly hard to put down - even for me who no longer really fall for the head-over-heels kind of love story. And yes, for the benefit of the non-converts - it is a love story.
Twilight - As it would with most of the best-sellers, the first book usually is the most exciting. When I read it, I somehow could almost understand and feel Bella - like I am her. Her perplexity over Edward's reaction, and her awe with the Cullens. How the book potrayed her being clumsy and prone to all sort of mishaps were very just, and you could just agreeing - no questions asked- how easily she would be among the 'others'. How you could just see why Edward is being so protective over her, and how they just clicked and be each other's soulmate.
The New Moon - It started with harrowing, with Edward leaving Bella in a lurch. Here, for some reason I could not really feel the loss of him going away. Partly because I knew that Edward was coming back -no thanks to the saga being highly publicised and fussed about so much that though I never really followed it, I still knew anyway that he left and came back in the end. Though maybe a tad corny to my liking but still, tt was still nice and all gooey though when Edward came back. I'd have to say that introduction of Jacob is cleverly done, and Jacob is indeed a character that you could warm up to. You know like the 'bad boy' kind of appeal. Fun loving and never cease to bore.
Eclipse - In Eclipse, where differences between Edward and Jacob were highlighted, it had indeed made me question Bella's sanity. Particularly on the fact that the Cullens are generally the cold ones. Its a bit a drawback I'd say, cos Edward is always described as hard and cold (in literal sense of course), and I couldnt help but think - especially on the cuddles - I could not comprehend or in a way accept that this is one of the trait's Bella enjoy. Because I for sure wouldnt be. I mean, when you cuddle what made it nicer or the default expected feeling is to feel warm and fuzzy (in and out)- rather than cold. So that in a sense, kinda throw me off a bit. And Edward's selflessness is starting to tire me. He's like the too good to be true kind of person, too worldly goody. Plus the emphasis on never risking Bella's life was getting a bit too obsessive- in a way that it kind of obscure the out-of-the-world-kinda-love that they have. It made Edward look more like an overtly obedient if not obsessive protector/guardian of Bella, rather than her greatest love. Next to Jacob's funloving attitude (which I obviously prefer by a long mile, as u'd hve guessed), Edward seems like a pale (no pun intended ,haha) option.
The Breaking Dawn - I am just starting. So stay tuned :)
Update: Edward continued to be annoyingly patronizing in the beginning part of the book. When Bella's life is threatened with the child she is carrying, he actually thought of asking Jake to make out with Bella - so long as she will live. I was like, erk... This is too much.. If I were Bella, I would probably have kicked his ass without second thought for even THINKING about it. Tsk tsk tsk...
Luckily it didnt get any sickening than that, and the story was actually quite interesting. Especially after Bella has become a vampire herself. On how she is adjusting to be humanlike, and trying to remember to fidget.. and sit after standing for a period of time.. Vice versa when she is learning to do things the vampire way, those bits are funny and entertaining to read.
I am also loving the part on Jacob's perspective (part 2). Thanking profusely that it was from Jake's view not Edward (imagine that- must be dull like crazy..).
Though I kinda melted when Bells is already on par with Edward omce she is a vampire herself. He wasnt sooo careful and holding back like a he was before.. AND she gets a blardy ferrari as the 'after' car!!! How i wish..In my dreams..hahahha
On the final part, when Volturi and its entourage came, I was kinda disappointed that they didnt actually fight, and volturi just retreat - after getting nowhere with Bells saving the day. It was kinda dragged a bit, with no action - i am thinking the movie would be a bit dull if they actually follow it to the dot. I mean for book, its ok, but for movie, if the confrontations part stays as non fighting scene, feels incomplete.
All in all, twas a good read. I wished I had read it sooner - but, better late than never ay ;)
I am planning to marathon the movies soon. Tunggguuuuuu...
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