Sunday, July 13, 2014

Of Ramadhan and bubuk lambuk

My stomach hasnt been very well these past few days, ever since I had that real bad food poisoning.

Because of that, I am still wary of eating macam-macam and somehow teringin nak makan bubur je. Tapi tak syokla makan bubur kosong, and in the fridge pun ada some meat. 

And I have always liked the masjid Kg baru bubur lambuk, so when i found this recipe here, and ingredients are also something that I can easily get from my grocery store, and walla.. Here u go..

I made some adjustments, and below is what i use instead of the original recipe

  • 1 cawan beras
  • 1 sudu besar minyak sapi - i skipped this
  • 2 sudu besar minyak masak (I put in 3, since I skipped the minyak sapi)
  • 1 kulit kayu manis, 1 bunga lawang, 2 bunga cengkih, 2 buah pelaga
  • daging
  • segenggam udang kering
  • 2 helai daun pandan
  • 1 sudu kecil halba
  • 1 sudu kecil jintan manis
  • 1 biji bawang besar 
  • 3 biji bawang putih 
  • 2 inci halia - i used ginger powder instead
  • 1 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
  • 2 cawan santan pekat (i used only 10ml)
  • 6 biji bawang merah - buat bawang goreng
  • daun sup dan daun bawang
  • Air dan garam secukup nya
  • Diced vege ( I just use the frozen mix vege)

Prep work:
- Dice the meat
- wash rice and put aside
- blend the ginger and get the juice (2 inch ginger and 2 cups water)
- sliced onion and garlic
- blend udang kering ( i didnt blend but i think would taste better if i did)

- Panaskan minyak
- Tumis bawang, garlic 
- Add kayu manis, cengkih, lawang, pelaga and halba
- Add the meat and a bit of water, add jintan manis, and udang kering
- when the meat looks well seasoned, add more water
- add rice
- put in daun pandan , pepper, garam
- add in the vege
- cook sampai beras jadi bubur-like
- once get the bubur texture, add the santan, let it boil few more minutes.

meanwhile tgh bubur nak masak, can prep the garnishing, buat bawang goreng and daun sup and bawang.

The verdict:

Hub says, its the best he ever tasted. Tak tahula cakap saja nak kasi encouragement or he was just being nice. In any case, he is not a fan... So cam takleh nak pakai sangat kot his feedback. Haha

My verdict pulak, its good - kena citarasa lah jugak. But then, sendiri masak of course la ikut citarasa sendiri kan kan kan...