Monday, November 30, 2009

Ketam Kari

This recipe was given to me by Auntie Ayie when I was in Penang for Eid Adha, and I am yet to try it tried it last night. Auntie is a great cook, so I am sure was glad it will turn out super. In fact, Rizal rated it 4/5. Not too bad huh?


Ingredient A
Bawang besar sebiji, hiris
Santan RM1
Garam to taste
Tomato 1 biji
Cili Hijau 1

Ingredient B
3 ekor Ketam
Rempah 2 packets
Serbuk Jintan Manis 2 sudu
Halia 3 cm (blend / pound)
Sebatang Kayu Manis
Daun Kari
::mix all above ingredient, with a bit of water

Cooking Method

1. Panaskan minyak

2. tumis bawang until wangi

3. Masukkan all item ingredient B, masak till naik minyak

4. Put in santan & garam to taste

5. lastly, put in Cili hijau and tomato. Leave it to settle for awhile. For me, I feel that curry tasted better if its cooked longer, let the taste of Ketam/ayam/ikan to blend in. I also added a bit of vinegar (since I didnt put in any nenas as the original recipe).

Note: This same recipe can be used for Chicken, meat or udang Curry

Last night, since both me and Rizal already had dinner, I just made capathi to accompany the curry (instant one la... buy frozen at the supermarket)