Saturday, December 29, 2012
Jack Reaper
movie 0Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Installing HDD to Dune HD media player
Dune, dune hd, media player 0Sunday, October 07, 2012
Bye bye AFC
0After a series of failures in baking - I decided that I am just not meant to be Bree Van Dekamp, and channeled my energy towards what I love best - IT. So folks on my next few posts, you'll see more reviews on gadgets and stuff rather than the kitchen department. So long AFC, welcome :D
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Midnight Sun
book, Twilight 0Twilight Saga the movies
Movies, twilight saga 0Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Osaka Cake
cake, recipe 0Thursday, September 06, 2012
Strawberry milkshake
drinks, recipe 0Monday, September 03, 2012
Day one - In the quest to shred 5 kgs in a month
exercise, loose weight, Slimming 0Breakfast - one mug nescafe + 1 karipap
Lunch - tofu soup + chinese tea
Teatime - one bun + breakfast bar
Dinner - mushroom soup + steak + corn + tomatoes
- 20 minutes of alternate briskwalk + run
- 7 mins workout
Pix: ( home made dinner): not mine, I had half of those
Cream mushroom soup
'mushroom soup', 'oyster mushroom', mushroom, recipe, soup 0I googled up and saw some others making it with assorted mushrooms like button & wild ones.
Since oyster mushroom's all I have, and I have a lot of those, i just gave it a go.
I didnt measure exactly so I'll just use rough estimation in the list.
-oyster mushroom (1 bowl / 2.5 cups)
-water (1 bowl / 2.5 cups)
-half piece chicken stock cube
-6 tblsp olive oil (if still not enough add a bit more)
-shredded cooked chicken meat (3 tblsp
-2 tblsp cream
-2 tblsp thyme
-salt n pepper to taste
-italian parsley (garnish)

The method:
1. Sautee onions until translucent
2. Add mushroom, sautee till soften
3. Add water and chicken stock cube
4. Bring to boil
5. Add thyme, salt and pepper
6. Simmer until taste is blended well and soup thickens a bit
7. Turn off fire and blend the mushrooms. I used a hand blender so it can be done on the pot itself and while its hot. If using a normal blender please cool it off a bit before blend.
8. Once blended, simmer a bit more and add the cream
Serve while hot, and dribble a bit more cream as deco, and garnish with italiab parsley if prefered.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Twilight Saga
bella, books, edward cullen, movie, twilight saga 0
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Pineapple jelly with strawberry toppings
dessert, jelly, recipe 0Next door neighbor is having a raya open house, I didnt have the time nor the right stuff to prepare something more substantial.
Anyway Mr Fluff thought its not necessary to bring anything since it is an open house, but being rumah sebelah i feel its just good gesture to come with something rather than empty handed.
And desserts is as good as any, and it takes minimal effort, and very little time to make.
What you need:
- one packet of agar2
- water 1400ml
- coloring (i didnt hv any hence the pale color)
- mix fruit (i only use pineapple & cherry)
- sugar (i use about 1 cup, can reduce if prefer less sweet)
The method:
1. Just boil water with the agar2
2. Add sugar and coloring once boil
3. Stir until all dissolve
4. Turn off fire
In the serving casserole:
1. Put in the mix fruit - arrange sporadic
2. Pour the agar2 mix
3. Cool room temperature until less heaty (abt 5 mins)
4. Cool in refrigerator until serving time
Note: i didnt hvae any coloring hence the garnishing of strawberry on top to make up for it.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Kek pisang
banana cake, cake, pisang, recipe 0I had few over ripe pisang at home, and had made some cekodok, but still left with extras.
So I tried kek pisang, which is one of my favorite. Satu lagi favorite is kek pandan tapi tengok recipe macam complicated so until today belum try2
Anyway. As usual googled up recipe, tengok mana yang senang.
Found one that is simple and with all the ingredients yang memang dah ada at home;
2 cwn tepung gandum
1 s/k baking powder - i didnt add (tak tahu pulak its different than bica-soda)
1 s/k soda bikarbonat
1 cawan gula
3 biji pisang yang telak dilenyek
1/2 cawan minyak masak
esen vanila
2 biji telur
1. Ayak tepung gandum, soda bikarbonat dan baking powder, gliss acuan kek dan panaskan oven 180darjah.
2. Kemudian, putar telur dan gula hingga kembang, masukkan esen vanila dan pisang, putar lagi dan kemudian masukkan tepung.
3.Akhir sekali baru masukkan minyak masak dan kacau sebati, selepas itu masukkan dalam acuan kek dan bakar pada suhu 180 darjah selama 40 minit atau satu jam.
The outcome:
- Hangus sikit, i think 30 mins is sufficient
- the taste- okay.. Not so fantastic but not disappointing either
Picca? Sila jgn gelak at my kek pisang hangus ok
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Dim Sum for supper
dimsum, pressure cooker, recipe 0Errr no, I didnt make it myself. I bought frozen - supposedly pre-cook ones.
Just need to steam and there goes.. A homemade dimsum
The verdict - so so only except the dumplings. Siew Mai is ok but i think it needed few more minutes before it tastes its best. The roll, i reckon deep fry would be better.
Cooking instructions:
To steam with pressure cooker (which is what I did):
Around 10 mins with low pressure
To steam (non pressure):
I think need 30 - 40 mins
To fry:
Just fry until skin turns brownish
Alternatively can just boil or add in the soup, i think probably take around same time it took to steam (cos it is slightly raw, and NOT precooked.
Monday, August 06, 2012
Kurma daging
kurma, meat, recipe 1Update: Tested last saturday. Not so successful at first due to lack of onions. Recipe corrected.
Below recipe is just my notes and has not been tried yet. Will refine once tested.
It is measured to make one kilo meat.
The ingredient of kurma paste (garam masala):
-kulit kayu manis x 1 •
-jintan putih x 2 tbsp
-jintan manis x 2 tbsp •
-kas kas x 2 tbsp (or more)
-cengkih x 4 pieces •
-buah keras
-halia x 1.5 inch
-small red onions x 7
-big onions x 3
-garlic x 3
-black pepper x 2 tbsp
-coriander/ketumbar 1/2 cup
Blend red onions first to liquidify the others. Add in all others and blend well. It should come up like a paste.
Other ingredients:
- Meat x 1 kg (cut in big chunks)
- Santan x half kelapa
- 2 spoons x yogurt
- bawang besar x 2 (cut in quarters)
- bunga lawang x 2
- daun pudina
- cili hijau (cut in halves)
- asam keping x 2
1. Mix well meat with kurma paste and pinch of salt
2. Heat oil (lots) + 1 tsp butter
3. Tumis bunga lawang and the meat already mixed with kurma paste
4. Add in hot water, to help meat tender
5. Add in santan + bawang besar. Cook till meat is tender.
6. Towards finishing, add daun pudina + asam keping + green chillies
This recipe is the Penang version where the consistency is thick.
Recipe courtesy of Mama cheras n sis.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Surau Nurul Iman PUJ9
surau nurul iman puj 9 2I dont have a surau around the vicinity of my house. We dont have a masjid as well. We have an allocated plot, but the surau is way far from having enough funding. I knew about this, but until yesterday, when I had to pray on pieces of plywood, with just a tent as my roof, till then it didnt occur to me that much more is needed for the surau.
So readers, if it is in the off chance of you reading this, and having extra bucks in your pocket, or just would want to help and do your part, please feel free to donate to details below:
SurauName : Surau Nurul Iman PUJ 9.
Bank: bank islam malaysia
Account Number: 14238010002046
Tarawikh 2012
The letter
Hadith no: 738 Narrated / Authority of: Jabir bin Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever builds a masjid (mosque) for the sake of Allah, like a sparrow’s nest or even smaller, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” (Sahih)
For more info and contacts, please visit the fb page:
Thanks for reading, may Allah bless our deed
Monday, July 16, 2012
lasagna, oven, recipe 0I didnt use any specific recipe, instead just looked at few and tried it.
Most recipe calls for about the same main ingrediants and cooking method.
What i did was:
1. Cook the meat with chopped onions, garlic, thyme, basil and rosemary. Sautee first then let simmer.
2. Somewhere added the cubed tomatoes and tomato puree (small can).
For layers
I put the lasagna sheet at the bottom after lining the casserole with baking oil.
Then one layer if meat, followed by parmesan, then meat again, and finally mozarella.
The bakingdish i was using wasnt a deep one so i could only manage those 3 layers.
Baking settings
Preheat at 200c for 15 mins, bake with cover at 180c for 30 mins (top and bottom), uncover and bake for another 10 mins
The verdict:
1. Meat and sauce wasnt well blended. Most recipe said to simmer in low fire in a dutch oven for about 2 hours. I have neither the 2 hours nor did i hae the dutch oven. Because of this, my meat turned up dry, but not flavorful enough.
2. Too little cheese. Need to be very generous otherwise coulnt taste anything.
3. I should hv added a layer of potato as well to hold the cheese better
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Spice world
inventory, kitchen 0Sometimes i buy same thing twice.
So, dear me, please do not buy anymore of:
1. Coriander seeds
2. Rosemary
3. Hot chilli powder
4. Mixed spice
5. Black pepper
6. Nutmeg
Friday, June 29, 2012
Ipad charger
apple, charger, ipad 0So anyway, i have been wanting to get an additional charger for my iphone and ipad, as I usually keep one at the office too as standby charger.
Scouted around, googled hi and low, finally i narrowed down to these two items:
- the additional ipad charger
- the travel adapter kit
Why these two?
Pro 1 -Both charges at 10w, as opposed to the 5w that came with most charger. It shortens the charging time, especially for the ipad. I have not run a full test on it yet, but will do so now that i have extra cables.
Pro 2 -Price. I felt that these two gives best value for money. Compared to the charger for iphone at RM109, or the apple universal dock at RM209 (but without usb cable), or any other 3rd party charger which are more expensive.
Ipad charger
I like the fact that it gives me a solid 6 ft cable- a good length than the standard USB length. The downside of this item is that it is bulky than the ipad bundled charger, but it is a non issue for me cos i can leave this one a home or work, and use the ipad bundked charger as the portable one.
To purchase this item, i had to go to few places. First i went to machine in IOI mall cos thats the closest to home, but they are selling it for RM99 instead of RM89 as published in online store. I thought i might as well get it from online store , since i am not really in a hurry.
Next day i tried purchasing from online store - but whoaaa it turns out they charge RM30 for shipping if your purchasin is less than RM250. Aiyooh.
So no choice, i just went to macstudio in Lowyat to buy, and guess what? They are selling it at RM89! I loikeee! Of course Just grab it there.
As i mentioned earlier, they dont have sample, but since i kind of know roughly whats in the package i just made the purchase.
Upon unpackaging it, I was sooo pleased to see that it actually comes with two (yeap, TWO) Plug-heads, which means i can either use it as portable like the bundled one, OR, add on the 6 ft tough looking cable to it. Yaaayyy...
Just to share with others who is considering to get one, heres whats in the box
The whole lot:
Nice :)
The travel kit
Btw, why i didnt purchase the travel kit, it is indeed a nice to have, cos it makes it easier when i travel. But for double the price, just to get the different plugheads, when i can buy a RM12 travel adapter which i already have anyway, dont seem necessary. On top of that, I think i wouldnt get the 6ft tough looking cable in the package, which is also a downside to me.
In the end, I am very satisfied with what I bought and hope this will help you decide too, if you are considering to get an additional charger for your device.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Bake a cake
"butter cake", recipe 0Finally i managed to bake a cake that resembles a cake, one not looking like a kuih bingka and not one that looked like it was burnt to its core.
This time around i tried a different settings on the oven and recipe.
Recipe taken from :
Oven settings:

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Lil' things that make u happy
0We have been anticipating the flower, and finally its here!!! Chewah macam la nak celebrate flower festival padahal bunga depan rumah je.
But seriously i have been wondering what colour it would be cos these frangipanis, do come in all sorts. But in the end i am happy to see that it is in shocking pink. Yaaayyy!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Laksa in da houz!!
"asam laksa", laksa, recipe 0In my quest to become healthy and after so many days of rice for dinner, i was craving for something light but fulfilling.
Spaghetti and fusion is kinda out, cos i had too many those for lunch this week AND the weeks before that. Choices of food is kinda limited at my work area so as a result balik2 makan that same thing.
ANYWAYS i dont know what made me think of laksa but somehow it just popped in my mind. So on my way home, i just stopped by to buy the ingredients:
- cili kering about 10 pieces
- cili padi about 3 or 4 pieces
- belacan 2.5 cm
- udang kering half handful
- bawang besar x 2
- Ikan kembong x 5
- Daun kesum one handful
- Bunga kantan x 2
- Asam keping x 8
- Laksa 500grams
- Eggs
- Salt to taste
To make the gravy:
Blend well :
cili kering, cili padi, belacan, udang kering, bawang besar
Ikan kembong. take out the fish and blend the meat. Keep the boiled water for gravy.
Boil in other pots:
Eggs (well done)
Laksa (for about 5 mins)
To prepare Garnishes:,
cili padi - slice thinly
Bawang besar - slice
Cucumber- cut long thinly
Bunga kantan (the top red bits) cut thinly
Red chilli slice
Eggs Slice in two
Senang je masak laksa ni if you have all the ingredients ready.
Just put together blended fish, gravy ingredients, bunga kantan and daun kesum, asam keping. Bring to boil until the gravy thickens.
Thats it. and serve with the boiled laksa and garnishes...

Monday, May 07, 2012
Guide to Eiffel Tower
Eiffel tower, paris, travel 0Finally. On the third time in Paris, at last i took the plunge ( errr not so appropriate term there :p) . Anyway, they say if u dont go to eiffel tower you might as well dont say uve been to pahree.
You know usually I am most inclined to visit a place when the place holds some sort of meaning- like historically. With Eiffel tower i think it is kinda overrated. Paris itself is indeed the city of love but frankly there aint anything romantic about the eiffel tower specifically. I think there are gazillion other dreamy love boasting spots in Paris, but hey, different people have different views kan.
So why do i say eiffel tower tak romantic? To start with, the place is sooo touristy, ye lah every one who sets foot in paris mestilah nak visit. So you can just imagine the crowd, any given time of the day theres just sooo many people there. And the queue.. ooo my... don't get me started.
Waaayyyy too long!!!
Guess how long i had to stand on the queue before i reached the ticket counter??
T.H.R.E.E hours!! Yeap, u read me right. I kid you not the queue was long, and seriously memang its one in a lifetime thing cos tak larat nak queue lagi , ever!
Anyway, when i got nearer to the tix counter i noticed they do actually have separate queue for pre-book. I dont know though how or where can u book but i found this: link
You can give it a go.
For lack of better tool, here goes the pix snapped with my phone.
Monday, April 30, 2012
0I must hv hated me so much that i inflicted pain on myself!
Itulah saya.... Ever so clumsy!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Doorless with CLS kitchen
"CLS kitchen", renovation 1I am half-hearted about this post, part of me wanted to share the experience, part of me think I shouldnt be too petty over things like this.
- *The granite that they use is only a 20mm compressed granite. Not so thick and not so hardy, so if you plan to do heavy duty work on it like pounding batu tumbuk, need to probably ask a better one than the standard free ones.
- *Because it is compressed granite, you'll see imperfections here and there
- *The granites are pre-cut, 8mtrs long. You will see cuts between the corners and if your kitchen is longer than 8mtr.
- *The cabinets are modules, so expect to loose some space in between
- *They'd usually throw in and ask to use their home brand sink, tab, kitchen hob and hood. Though their kitchen hob and hood are cheap, I decided to go against their home brand, in case it'll be hard to service later
the joinings at corners & imperfections
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Hunger Games
"hunger games", movie 0Sunday, April 08, 2012
Masak taucu
02nd attempt still tak jadi.
But better than the last try,.
Ikan tenggiri 4 pieces
Bawang putih & kecik for tumis
Bawang besar
A bit of halia
Air asam jawa
And the taucu of course (one spoon)
Goreng ikan mcm biasa, put aside
Tumis bawang and add Bawang besar
put taucu and air asam
And water if necessary
Put tomato
Add in ikan towards the end
Look simple huh, still i cant get it right. Sheesh!